Global Gestures for Empowerment



Who Can Use These Gestures

  • The gestures introduced by the Global Gestures Movement (GG Movement) are versatile tools designed to empower individuals of all backgrounds in addressing instances of sexual harassment discreetly and effectively. Whether it’s women and girls seeking aid in public spaces, educators advocating for awareness, or law enforcement personnel trained to recognize distress signals, these gestures serve as a universal language for promoting safety and respect. By fostering a culture of solidarity and empowerment, they contribute to a collective effort to combat sexual harassment and create safer environments for all individuals, regardless of gender or circumstance.


How Can I Help with the #GGMovement

  • Support the #GGMovement by spreading awareness on social media, advocating for gender equality, supporting organizations, educating yourself and others, and being an ally to marginalized groups. Your involvement can foster positive change and advance gender equality and social justice.


Where Can I Share My Story

  • You can share your story on the Global Gestures Movement’s social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. We welcome individuals to share their experiences, insights, and perspectives related to sexual harassment and empowerment. By sharing your story with us, you contribute to our collective mission of raising awareness, fostering solidarity, and promoting positive change. Your voice matters, and we encourage you to join our community in advocating for safety, respect, and equality for all individuals.


Can Only Women Use These Gestures

  • No, the Global Gestures Movement (GG Movement) is not exclusive to women. While committed to ending sexual harassment and empowering women and girls worldwide, its protective gestures and digital emojis are available to individuals of any gender who may encounter harassment in public spaces. The initiative aims to create a safer environment for everyone by equipping individuals with intuitive gestures and raising awareness about preventive measures. Additionally, educating young boys on respecting women and girls from an early age underscores its inclusive mission to promote equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of gender.

How Were the Safety Gestures Developed

  • The safety gestures introduced by the Global Gestures Movement (GG Movement) were developed through a collaborative process involving experts in gender equality, psychology, and public safety. Extensive research on sexual harassment in public spaces was conducted, gathering feedback from survivors and communities. This data informed the creation of practical, intuitive gestures that empower individuals to discreetly signal distress and seek help effectively. Through this inclusive approach, the GG Movement aims to contribute to a safer and more respectful environment for all, regardless of gender.


How Can The Safety Gestures Help Protect Me In Public Spaces?

  • Safety gestures are non-verbal signals designed to enhance your safety and security in public spaces. These gestures serve multiple purposes, including attracting attention, signaling distress, deterring potential threats, facilitating communication, and enabling assistance. 


How Can Schools And Youth Groups Get Involved With The GG Movement?

  • Schools and youth groups can get involved with the GG Movement by incorporating the safety gestures into their curriculum and activities. By teaching these gestures, along with the importance of respecting each other and raising awareness about harassment, schools and youth groups can empower students to recognize and respond to instances of harassment effectively. This can be done through workshops, assemblies, or special events dedicated to promoting a culture of respect and safety. Additionally, schools can collaborate with the GG Movement to access resources and support materials to facilitate these efforts and ensure they reach every member of the school community.


What Should I Do If I See Someone Being Bullied or Harassed?

  • If you witness someone being bullied or harassed, it’s crucial to take action. Safely intervene by speaking up against the behavior or offering support to the victim. If necessary, seek assistance from others nearby or authorities. Comfort and reassure the victim, letting them know they’re not alone. Document what you witnessed and report the incident to appropriate authorities. Advocate for a culture of respect and inclusion by speaking out against bullying and harassment whenever you encounter it, and encourage others to do the same. Together, we can create safer and more supportive environments for everyone.