Global Gestures for Empowerment


Your Voice Matters

Have You Experienced Sexual Harassment in Public?

It’s not just you. Many women face unwelcome comments, gestures, and actions in everyday places—on the street, in the bus, at the park, or in the workplace. These experiences can be unsettling and traumatic. Sharing your story can be a powerful way to highlight the prevalence of these issues and help others feel less alone.

Your Story is saved and will appear when it is approve.

“While walking through a busy market, a group of men started making lewd comments about my appearance. I tried to ignore them and keep walking, but they followed me for several blocks, laughing and whispering. It made me feel unsafe and humiliated”
“I was on the bus and a man next to me started rubbing his leg against mine. Every time I moved away, he moved closer. I felt trapped and scared because no one seemed to notice or care. It was a relief to get off at my stop, but the experience left me anxious for days”
"At a street festival, a man purposely brushed against me multiple times. At first, I thought it was an accident due to the crowd, but then he grabbed my waist and tried to pull me towards him. I managed to break free and find my friends, but the incident ruined what should have been a fun day."
"During a company party, one of my colleagues, whom I had previously considered a friend, started making inappropriate comments about how I looked in my casual clothes. At first, I laughed it off, thinking he was just awkwardly trying to be funny. But then later on he started messaging me on Facebook and started sending me very weird messages. I was afraid and left the workplace. I wish I had spoken up”
"I was waiting at the bus stand after work, listening to music through my headphones. I noticed a man staring at me from across the stand. At first, I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, but every time I looked up, I found his gaze fixed on me. It made me feel very uneasy. I tried moving to a different spot, hoping it would stop, but he followed and continued to stare. I was relieved when my bus finally arrived, but the whole experience left me feeling shaken and vulnerable.”
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